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We can all be kind

Imagine a world where everyone smiled as they walked down the street, a world where we skipped out the door to work because we enjoyed our job, a world where being courteous was not an obligation but an inherent part of life. Imagine a world where everyone chose to be kind, not just sometimes, but all the time.

We all have the capacity to be kind, we’re born with it, our parents call it ‘sharing’ or ‘manners’ when we are little. For some reason, we seem to limit our acts of kindness; what we fail to realise is that kindness is completely free, a gift that keeps giving that can be bestowed upon absolutely anyone. It can be a simple smile as you walk by someone, giving a compliment, helping an elderly person cross the road, showing appreciation and having empathy for others, or simply just giving your time to help someone – there is no limit, kindness is infinite.

About 2 months ago I witnessed an elderly person accidentally cut another person off on the motorway - a mistake that anyone can and probably has made at some point. The person who had been (minorly) cut off immediately laid on their horn, shouted expletives and threw some aggressive hand gestures out the window at the shocked elderly people. Now, I don’t know either party, but I do know that negativity breeds, and while the victim may have felt temporarily like the ‘big man’, I would put money on it that the rest of their day was anger fuelled and negative. Not to mention the negative effect of the person who received the abuse. Imagine if they had of thought about their actions for a split second and decided to show kindness instead of anger. A positive or negative frame of mind is chosen by you; from the moment you get out of bed and through every action you take.

I would like to propose the following basic steps to a more fulfilled, happier life:

  1. Every morning when you wake up, take a moment to think of something you are grateful for, this will set up a positive frame of mind for the day ahead.

  2. Exercise, you don’t need to be rocket scientist to know that the endorphins released when exercising make you happier and more energised. It doesn’t need to be 20km run, even a 5-minute brisk walk is a good start.

  3. Consciously make an effort to be kind to each individual you come across, your kindness will kick into their sub conscious and so the spreading will begin (like a cold, but a good one).

  4. If something irritates you, take a moment to breathe and think about whether it is really worth reacting to, you may get instant gratification from an immediate negative response, but consider the affect of your actions – a positive approach will always get you further.

  5. Show appreciation, whether its to your partner, colleagues, pets or children.

  6. Never, EVER put anyone down. We’re all just doing our best winging our way through this thing called life.

  7. Be brave, be happy, be kind.

For anyone out there having a rough day I would like to leave you with a short piece of advice that my dear friend Candace once gave me: “It is just a bad day, not a bad life”

So, go on, spread your kindness germs!

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