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Musings from a solo Sunday hike

I'm sitting on a rock, it protrudes into the small river below, the sunshine warms me to the core, the cool spring breeze heightens my every sense. I'm surrounded by snow, and looking up the river, flowing freely with freshly melted snow, in the distance I see the Hintertux glacier and surrounding mountains that guard the valley. The glacier is my goal, I'm walking there today - I only climbed onto this rock because it looked like a prime spot to get a photo of my approach, as I draw nearer the mountain base.

Then I stopped, and waited - patiently listening and breathing. Realising that in my rush to reach my goal, I was forgetting to enjoy the smaller beauties of the world - the journey that makes the destination so worthwhile. So I stopped rushing and decided to enjoy the moment, just sitting here on the rock, in the warm sun, listening to the sound of the river flowing by and the birds singing. It's so easy to forget these moments, but they are the memories that sit most vividly in my mind, all you have to do is stop rushing, start enjoying. And take some time to (figuratively and literally) smell the roses.

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