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In New Zealand, the public transport system is a little (or maybe a lot) behind the rest of the developed world. Unless you live in the centre of one of the big cities, a car is a necessity. Coming to London, the concept of simply not needing a car and being able to go wherever you want was quite a foreign one. Now that I've been here for a few months I've come to truly appreciate my train time. And so I would like to coin a new concept: Traindreaming It's like daydreaming, only more productive and nosier. The act of traindreaming comes from the mindfulness and peace one feels when simply relaxing into the seat and watching the world whizz by. It is not a time for discussion, but an opportunity for self reflection and mindfulness, or to simply people watch. In the past few months I've come to really enjoy my time on the train, to and from work. I'm lucky enough to get the overground in the opposite direction to the rush hour commute making for a pleasant journey. Whether it be spending time listening to my favourite music, reading, learning, comprehending life, writing a blog or people watching, it's a time for me that I have come to treasure. Traindreaming also gives an nosey opportunity to catch glimpse into the life of others - we all know that in the dark you can position yourself to look out the window, but really stare at the reflection of others, getting a small insight into their train-dreams. It almost feels like a guilty pleasure, but it's such a peaceful time of self reflection that I'm simply not willing to give up. And while some may disagree with me, I'm certain there are plenty of people who partake in the same proclivity. Sweet traindreams all 😴

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