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What dogs say about you

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who love dogs, those who don't and those who are a fur parent.  

I'm a fur parent. I know this because I honestly believe my doggo is the most perfect thing to ever exist, sure she's a dog, but she's simply and inexplicably better than other dogs. I'll explain the difference: A dog lover: is someone who really enjoys all dogs, every time they see a dog they smile and probably want to pet him. They often own dogs and have a nice time playing with them. They likely realize the amazing benefits a dog can bring to your life, such as unconditional love and endless head shaking at their ability to be so hopelessly clumsy or adorable. They love all dogs equally. A person who doesn't like dogs: I'm genuinely surprised that these people exist, and I'm not going to lie that I instantly judge people who don't like dogs and often actively choose not to be friends with them (shallow? maybe, I'll let you decide). Dog 'dislikers' probably stood in too much dog poo as a kid, or perhaps had an incident with a naughty canine, turning their hearts to ice forever. I am sad for these people who will never know the incomprehensible joy that a dog can bring to their lives. A fur parent: Is like a more intense version of a dog lover. Except these people truly believe that their dog is the best doggo to have ever dogged. Fur parents likely prefer their dogs company to that of any other person and generally prefer puppies to baby humans. Their dog probably has more cute names than their partner and is at the forefront of their mind when they are separated. In a fur parents eyes their doggo is simply irreplaceable and pretty much equivalent to a human child.  

So there you have it, my brief analysis of human character, based on my incredibly unscientific personal experiences and opinions. You're welcome. 

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